AAU Environmental
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In the world of environmental insurance, insuring a risk goes far beyond having access to a particular market. Understanding the ever changing legal and regulatory issues that impact an insured's liabilities can be a confusing and time consuming task.
Targeted classes include Environmental Contractors, Consultants, Engineers, Non-Environmental Contractors, Brownfield Redevelopment, and more.
Laboratory & Medical Facilities
Targeted classes include Analytical Laboratories, Clean Rooms, Low Level Medical Radioactive Wastes, Public and Private Hospitals, Public and Private Medical Offices and Clinics, and Red-Bag Waste Handling and Transport.
Manufacturers & Distributors
Targeted classes include Chemical Products, Solvents, Oils and Lubricants, and Remediation Products/Absorbents.
Oil & Gas
Targeted classifications include Coal, Gems, Stone, Rock, and Gravel Mining; Equipment Rentals/Sales; Hazmat Transportation; Manufacturers and Distributers; and Oil/Gas Rig, Derrick Erecting, or Dismantling.
Restoration Contractors
Targeted classifications include Emergency Response Contractor, Renovations/Remodeling, Demolition Contractors, Water & Fire Damage Restoration, Water Extraction, and Air Duct Cleaning.
Storage Tanks
Underground and Aboveground tanks can be considered, targeted locations include Airports, Auto Dealerships, Manufacturing Plants, Convenience Stores, Garages, and more.